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Tips For Reading To Toddlers

There are at least a certain percentage of parents who don’t know the importance of reading to your toddler. They may wait a bit long to read for their toddlers. This is due to a false concept that a toddler is not developed enough to understand if you read aloud to them. But, it is important to know that reading to your toddler is very crucial in developing their communication skills. You just read aloud to your toddler without thinking too much about whether your toddler understands what you are reading to them. 

Your toddler will grasp and store the words, language and tone in their unconscious mind while you are reading. If you are reading to your toddler daily, it will increase their language skills, and exposure to a large vocabulary. Here are some practical tips for reading to your toddlers that will make the process easier and effective.

Comfort level: It is important to keep your toddler comfortable and contended while reading for them. Don’t force them to listen to you. Leave them if they are not interested. Try to attract them to the books by trying different ideas.

Routine: Toddlers love to follow routines in their life. Reading to your toddlers will be more effective if you make it as a part of their routine. Bedtime stories are the best way to make reading to your toddlers more effective.

Don’t be serious: Don’t make the process of reading to your toddlers a serious procedure. Being silly and childish is the best way to attract your toddler. Their ears will be listening to your sounds even if they are playing and moving around.
Be flexible: If you find that your toddler is interested in any particular picture or story in a book, try to read from it. Do not force your toddler to follow what you want to read for them. Be flexible in the timing as well. 

Be active: Sitting calmly in a chair and reading to your toddler may not work effectively. Make noise, show some actions and be curious while you try to read to your toddlers. This will help grab the attention of your toddler. 

Colourful pictures: Colours will attract toddlers. Select books with colourful pictures. Show the picture to your toddlers and try to explain about the one which they select. This will help you make your toddler focused on what you are reading to them.

Be expressive: Try to be expressive while reading to your toddlers. This will keep them active and interested. Use finger plays, songs and actions to get the attention of your toddler. Leaving open ended questions will also help make them curious.

Use familiar names: It is a good idea to replace the names of the characters in the story with names that are more familiar to your toddlers. This will make them more interested. Use the name of your toddler often while you read.

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