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Strange Stories About The Moon

There's a lot we know about the moon. Moon is our nearest cosmic neighbour. Even though science won in taking men to the moon, moon still remains as a piece of surprise for the human kind. Moon is the main hero of all those poets, painters, writers and art lovers who admire the nature. After all, we all grow up hearing rhymes and stories about moon. This all keeps moon a bit of wonder in our concept. 

Apart from our general knowledge that moon is earth’s natural satellite, there are many other strange facts about moon. Many studies have been done to reveal the secrets and mystery behind moon. Most of the studies were helpful in finding out the various factors that are related to moon. There are many findings that do not match even with the most popular conventional beliefs and myths. Scientists are still searching for more mysteries in the surface of moon. Probably we will witness the first picnic to moon shortly.

The strange facts about moon are even more amazing than our bedtime stories about moon. You will get even more surprised, if you read this down. Here are some strange facts about moon.

Strange Stories About The Moon 

The origin of moon: The giant impact hypothesis is the leading theory for the origin of moon. According to this, moon was formed from the debris left over from a collision between the Earth and a body the size of Mars four and a half billion years ago.

Moon trees: The name moon tree will make us confused whether these trees come to earth from moon. But, it is not like that. During the Apollo 14 mission in 1971, Stuart Roosa carried 500 seed into orbit around the Moon. These fell to the earth and germinated successfully.

Moon is not alone: Scientists have shown that there is one more natural satellite for earth named Cruithne. This remains as one of the most strange facts about moon. It needs 770 years to complete a horseshoe-shaped orbit around Earth and so will remain suspended for at least 5,000 years.
Moon’s cratered surface: It is one of the strange facts about moon that its cratered surface is not changing. One of the reasons is that there is no movement in the moon’s surface like what happen in earth as earthquakes. Another reason is that there are no air movements in the form of wind. 

Shape of moon: One of the strange facts about moon is its shape. It is not round or spherical as it seems to be from the earth. Moon is slightly egg shaped because its centre of mass is about 1.2 miles off-centre.

Tides and moon: There are many stories about moon and tides. But, do you know that there is one of the strange facts about moon behind the reason? Tides are caused by the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun and the rotation of the Earth. 

Moving away: Many research scientists claim that the moon was about 14,000 miles away from the earth when it was formed. But, now it is more than 280,000 miles away. This is one of the most strange facts about moon.

Moon dogs: Don’t misunderstand that it is the first do to reach moon. A moon dog, otherwise called paraselene is a relatively rare bright circular spot on a lunar halo. This is formed due to the refraction of moonlight by hexagonal-plate-shaped ice crystals in cirrus or cirrostratus clouds.

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