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9 Ways to Make Your Baby Bond With Daddy

Bonding is the intense positive attachment that develops between parents and their babies. Babies who develop this great attachment to their parents develop a deep sense of security and self-esteem. When a mother can develop a strong bond with her child, the case is different with fathers. They have to take an initiative from their side to build up a bond with their baby.

Father-baby bonding is equally important to your baby’s well-being. The relationship between a father and a baby will grow and develop as the baby gets older. Bonding is a process, rather than a single event. It is the same with your partner, the new daddy, as well. However, your partner has to take an extra effort to make your baby bond with daddy. Here are some special tips for you to make your baby bond with daddy.

8 Ways to Make Your Baby Bond With Daddy 

Soothing touch: Babies love being touched and pampered. Ask your partner to give a gentle massage or a relaxing stroke to your little one to make your baby bond with daddy. This will help your baby to be content and settle as well.

Relaxing voice: The first few days and weeks are very important in making a close relation with your baby. Sound is the best way to ensure your baby that you are available at any time. Encourage your partner to chat, sing or simply make any sound that may keep your baby happy and energetic. 

Walking around:Ask your partner to hold your baby and walk with him. All babies love moderate movement and closeness. Even a gentle rocking may help make your baby bond with daddy because that may be just what he wants.

Close contact: A daddy can make strong bonds with his little one by keeping eye-to-eye contact while talking or playing with baby. Your baby will definitely enjoy your presence and may cry because they want you nearby.
Take the night shift: Allow your partner to respond to the cries of your baby in the night. This will give them some considerable time to spend together. The secure feeling that your baby gets will comfort the little needs.

Diaper changing:Changing diapers of the baby is the one thing that most new daddies hesitate to do. But, encourage your partner to consider diaper changing as a fun time rather than a difficult and messy job. 

Respond to the needs: You can make your baby bond with daddy by asking him comfort the baby when he cries. You can also seek his help to perform baby routines to share the joy and fun. If you want to make your baby bond with daddy, you can give him the chance to play a major role in it.

Food time together: Once your baby starts liquid or solid food, you can ask your partner to help feeding them. Spend a considerable time for your baby and make their feeding time a fun time. It is the best way to make your baby bond with daddy.

Enough play time:Playing with your baby will be a new experience for you and your partner. Find more time for your partner to play with your baby. This will definitely make your baby bond with daddy.

Bonding with baby should happen naturally, and you will experience an overwhelming sense of love for your baby once you hold them in your arms.

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