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Tips For Nipple Care During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when a woman’s body passes through various physical and emotional changes. The main reason for these changes is the hormonal variations associated with your pregnancy. It is a clear fact that these hormonal changes are essential for you to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. But, at the same time you have to experience some difficulties during your pregnancy period. One of the major problems that almost all women face during their pregnancy is tender nipple. 

Your body will be preparing for making yourself ready for breastfeeding your baby. The related physical and hormonal changes will make remarkable changes in your nipples as well. The nipple changes may include an increase in the size and tender nipples. As you near to your delivery time, your nipples and areola will change in shape and size and you may even notice leakage of a yellowish substance known as colostrum. These are the preparations of your body to feed your little one.

Nipple care during pregnancy is very important to keep yourself comfortable. There is no need to get worried about thinking how to do nipple care while pregnant. It will be very helpful if you know some tips for nipple care during pregnancy. Here are some ideas that you can try for nipple care during pregnancy.

Tips For Nipple Care During Pregnancy 

Wear a comfortable bra: Selecting a proper bra has great importance in nipple care during pregnancy since your breast size is increasing. Try to wear bra made of soft cotton, so that it will help alleviate your nipple pain. It is better to avoid padded bra as a part of nipple care while pregnant.

Use olive oil: Doing a short massage with olive oil is a good idea for nipple care during pregnancy. This will help retain the moisture of the skin. This will help to prevent any problems that are related to dry skin, which is very common during pregnancy. 
No soap on nipples: Do not try to use soap on your nipples, as it will make the nipples dry. Excess dryness of the nipple may eventually result in cracking. Use a good moisturising cleansing lotion instead of scented soaps. This is an important point to remember for nipple care while pregnant. 

Moisturising creams: If you feel dryness on your nipples, use a good moisturising cream or lotion. It will help keep your nipple moisturised. There are products available in the market that is specially made for nipple care during pregnancy. 

Nipple protectors: Nipple protectors are available in market that will help you to get rid of painful nipple. This acts as a barrier between your nipple and your clothes. Nipple protectors are very helpful in nipple care during pregnancy for women with painful nipples.

Use ice pads: Tender nipple during pregnancy is a difficult condition. It is a good idea to use an ice pad on your nipple to help relax. This will alleviate the pain and will make you feel comfortable. Do this as a part of your nipple care during pregnancy. 

Breast pads: It is important to give extra care to your nipples while you experience leakage. Use a good quality breast pad. Keeping your nipples dry and clean is very important to avoid any infections. Remember this point while you proceed with nipple care during pregnancy. 

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