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Dates You Should Never Forget In Your Relationship

In every relationship there will be some dates that are special. It is a good idea to remember these dates to surprise your partner. Forgetting important dates can make a serious effect on your relationship, especially if you have a partner who gives more importance to it. Remembering a date that has something to tell about your relationship can show how much you value the intimacy. You may not forget your birthday, the day you got your first salary, the day when you received your first increment or your passport renewal date. It should be the same with your relationship and your partner. This will help you keep your relationship fresh with the fragrance of all those good days of the past. 

Relationship tips give importance to some dates that you should never forget. If you are not so smart in recording them in your memory, try other ways like keeping a reminder in your phone, saving in your email, writing down in your personal diary or noting it in the calendar. Remember that your partner is waiting to see whether you remember all those special moments. Don’t disappoint them. Here are some dates that you should never forget in your relationship.

Their Birthday:No excuse can replace the frustration that you presented your partner by forgetting their birthday. Everybody who is in a relationship wants their partner to remember their birthday. Whether you gave a gift is coming only secondary in the list of relationship tips. 

Your child’s birthday: There are many partners who are not so particular about remembering all those important dates. But, if you have a child, it is important to remember their date of birth. Considering this as one of the dates that you should never forget will make your partner happy. 

Their mom’s birthday: Everybody wants their partner to love their mother as their own. Keep the date of birth of your mother-in-law in your memory as a date that you should never forget. Wish for her birthday and see how surprised your partner will be. You can try this with your other in-laws as well. 
Anniversary:The day when you both became one has great importance in your relationship, making it one of the important dates that you should never forget. Remembering your anniversary is the best way to win the heart of your partner. It will show how much you value the relationship. 

First kiss: If there is a single day that can hold all the essence of your relationship, it will be the day when you had your first kiss. Store this date in your memory and give a surprise to your partner by reminding them about it. Take this as one of the most effective relationship tips.

Appointments:If you have promised an outing or party to your partner, there is no chance that you can escape from it later. So the only thing that you can do is to remember the date. If you remind them about the promise, nothing will make them happy than that. 

Your first trip: Have you ever tried to remind your partner about the good old memorable moments? Try it this time by reminding them about the day when you had your first trip together and enjoy the surprise in your partner’s eye.

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