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Common Causes Of Belly Bloat

Belly bloat is a very common and annoying problem seen in almost all people. Everyone might have faced this condition at least once at any point of life. Belly bloat can occur due to various reasons depending on your health, lifestyle or food habits. Among the symptoms of digestive problems and abdominal problems, belly bloating is the most common one. Since belly bloat as a symptom is not limited to dietary and digestive factors, it is very important to look for other associated symptoms as well to rule out the exact cause.

Knowing the reasons of your belly bloat is very crucial in taking any initiative to cure it. Generally, a small change in your habit and lifestyle will help in managing and controlling belly bloat. But, if the condition persists, it is important to take medical advice because belly bloat can occur due to various medical conditions as well. Here are the most important 5 common causes of belly bloat. 

Common Causes Of Belly Bloat

1. Acidity: Acidity is the most common cause of belly bloat. The main reason that may lead to acidity is unhealthy food habits and digestive problems associated with it. If not treated in time, acidity may lead to conditions like ulcer. Belly bloat due to acidity will be associated with belching and flatulence. 

2. Irritable bowel syndrome: One of the common causes that may result in belly bloating is irritable bowel syndrome. In this case belly bloat will be associated with feeling to use the toilet more than often and also just after a meal. It is important to seek medical advice to solve the problem of belly bloat due to irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Celiac diseases: Celiac diseases are generally noticed for the first time from its most common symptom of bloated belly. Celiac Disease is due to intolerance for gluten, the proteins found in many of the grains including wheat. A bloated belly due to celiac disease may take up to a day or two to get resolved after eating the trigger food.

4. Constipation: A common cause of belly bloat is constipation. Constipation can be controlled by taking food rich in fibre, including more fruits in your diet and drinking enough water to prevent dehydration. Include more insoluble fibre from bran, seeds, fruits and vegetables in your diet than soluble fibre from processed cereals and snacks.

5. Hormonal change: Hormonal changes play a great role in causing belly bloat. Belly bloat is very common as a premenstrual symptom and during progression to menopause. Hormonal changes may cause an increase in oestrogen levels which will result in an increased retention of water resulting in bloating.

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